[AMPS] FW: Alert Update

Will Angenent k6ndv@contesting.com
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 07:50:31 -0700

This is a bad one, PLEASE CHECK YOUR COMPUTER!!!! all! emails with the
V-I-R-U-S are coming to me with there attachments. This is a very long and
time consuming process..............but oh well I guess this comes with the
Thanks 73 Will,  K6NDV
AMPS list administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: Will Angenent [mailto:k6ndv@contesting.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 3:45 PM
To: amps
Subject: Alert Update

Here is some information what might have to do with the V_I_R_U_S  (I have
to spell it out like this because majordomo will reject the correct
This is how one looked liked, I received 2 versions, one as a attach file
and one as a text file.

Subject: Work Order Form - Riello


Hi! How are you=3F

I send you this file in order to have your advice

See you later=2E Thanks


attachment;  filename="Work Order Form - Riello.xls.pif"


Please let me know if you have any information about this.
Thanks Will,  K6NDV


Tom, W8JI
Ian, G3SEK
Please check your computer for a infection.

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