[AMPS] E-mail with V attached

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 13:06:48 -1000


This morning I too rcv'd and e-mail from Joe P.   with
the simple request,  something like,  would you check
the attached file for me.  The attachment must have
been very long,  as a took a fair amount of time for
the e-mail to download.  But what surprised me is
that my up-to-date Norton's Anti V program did not
catch or alert me to the fiend!

First time for me for someone to attempt sending it here.

Anyway,  I immediately deleted the entire thing,  never
opening the attach, of course.

There was no indication that this came via a reflector either;
was addressed clearly to my e-mail account;  I didn't even
try to check the "properties" of the thing,  just deleted it.

Anyone else rcv this "thing" again today?

73,  Jim KH7M

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