[AMPS] about one of the latest v's

Jon Ogden na9d@speakeasy.net
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 07:50:38 -0500

on 7/28/01 12:01 AM, skipp s isaham at nospam4me@juno.com wrote:

> In the past, most of the V's we received
> were from friends or people we know well.

Well, these latest ones appear to be from people who I do not know.  It
appears that the V can scan messages in the infected person's in box.  If
the e-mail was addressed to multiple people (like all the frickin e-mail
chain messages that every sends out), it will send itself to everyone it can
find!  I know this because I've gotten the V from people whom I do not know
personally, but who I know are regularly sent e-mail by a friend of mine.

So in some ways this V is easy to detect as you'll get attachments from a
lot of people you do NOT know.



Jon Ogden
NA9D (ex: KE9NA)



"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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