[AMPS] continued Alpha work

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 08:48:32 -0400

> If there is a problem with the metering circuit as you suggest,
> Tom, whereby the grid meter is partially indicating plate
> current, then shouldn't the amp be reading some grid current 
> under conditions of zero drive due to ZSAC?

The problem can be a breakdown problem in a component, or 
something in the auto-bias. That amp doesn't have zero signal 
quiescent current because of the auto bias. 

The amp might have multiple problems. 

The only thing I know for sure is 200 mA of grid current, with very 
high anode current and a shallow dip, points towards metering 
errors. Any 8877 I've seen, with 200 mA of grid current, shows a 
sharp dip in anode current and sharp peak in grid current at the 
tank is tuned through resonance.

If the blocking cap is open, the anode current will be very low and 
grid current almost off scale with only a little drive power. 

If the RFC or tank input is "shorted" or on the wrong band, grid 
current will be much lower than normal no matter how hard the tube 
is driven.

If the input is on the wrong band, the grid and anode current will be 

I can't think of any RF load or drive condition where the grid current 
on an 8877 would actually be 200 mA while the anode showed high 
anode current with only a very shallow dip, can anyone? Grid 
current always is high only when the anode is sharply dipped. Grid 
current, when high, peaks sharply with the tuning. It also increases 
all of a sudden at a certain drive while plate current fails to increase 
much if the tube anode sees a high load impedance. If the anode 
impedance is too low, the grid current will be low and anode current 
high with a shallow dip.

If the tube is weak grid and anode currents are low. If the tube or 
blocking cap is shorted the amp will not drive at all, or HV will flash 

The toughest problem to guess at or trouble shoot is one where the 
readings make no sense at all. It sounds like the current 
description is wrong, perhaps from metering problems. 
73, Tom W8JI

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