[AMPS] sk-300 Eimac socket

Norman Hockler norsan@bright.net
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 16:03:31 -0400

The 3CPX5000A7 ( YC-156) does not use a socket.  De Norm N8NH

At 11:33 AM 6/16/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Please post on the reflector list: I have an Eimac sk-300 socket (for 
>4cx5000&3cpx5000a7/yc-156) clean condix. and also a 7.5v/100 amp fil. 
>xfmr/ 120/240 pri. for sale or trade. Anyone interested can e-mail me for 
>further details.
>Jim, K7RDX

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