[AMPS] Tentec Titan 425 Opinions Wanted

Uwe Egen Uwe.Egen@t-online.de
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 17:44:08 +0200

Joe Giacobello, K2XX schrieb:
> I have an opportunity to purchase a Tentec Titan 425 amp.  The reviews
> on eHam seem quite favorable, although they do warn that the finals are
> expensive and are very sensitive to excessive grid current draw.  Anyone
> here have any opinions pro or con to help me decide whether or not to
> purchase this unit?

Hi Joe,
three friends of mine use the 425 6 or 7 years with satisfaction.
It seems to me critical that every PA made several bangs during the
first weaks of operation. After that time we got stable operation
until today. You must consider a bit thermal runaway on 160.
The tubes inside are 3cx800a7 from Eimac. Yes, an expensive one but
if you pay attention for the grid current the tubes are good for
more than 20 years contest hi.

Every PA with thin grid tubes is sensitive for excessive grid current.
A trip circuit is doing the job.

73, Uwe, DL9NC

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