[AMPS] Review of Antenna Tuner from Dayton

Steve Thompson g8gsq@qsl.net
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 14:51:49 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Ogden <na9d@speakeasy.net>
To: Amps Reflector <amps@contesting.com>
Date: 19 June 2001 13:45
Subject: [AMPS] Review of Antenna Tuner from Dayton

>Hi all,
>Well, it might not be specifically amplifier related, but I thought I'd let
>you guys now a little about the new antenna tuner I picked up at Dayton.
>Yeah, yeah, I know - some of you don't like to use tuners and load the amp
>directly into the antenna.  Personally, I don't like that approach as I'm
>not able to accurately measure power under high SWR and I also like the
>added harmonic suppression of the tuner.
>Previously, I had an old Heathkit roller inductor tuner.  It worked fined
>for the most part with full legal limit, but would sometimes have arcing
>problems on the load cap.  The biggest problem was with my 80m dipole.  It
>is cut for 50 Ohms around 3.6 MHz and there it gives a great match.
>However, as I move up in frequency, the match is very narrow.  I start
>getting about a 3:1 SWR around 3.75 MHz and it gets worse from there.
>The Heathkit would arc even at power levels under 1000 Watts.  I even tried
>removing one of the offending plates from the capacitor in the hopes that
>the larger air spacing would help.  It didn't and in fact, made other
>a little worse.  So given this background I decided to look at antenna
>tuners at Dayton.

I wonder what an extra 1/8 wave of cable might have done? What was the
antenna impedance?


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