[AMPS] Review of Antenna Tuner from Dayton

Alek Petkovic vk6apk@eon.net.au
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 06:32:56 +0800

At 07:33 AM 19-06-01 -0500, Jon wrote:


>Plate spacing was at least twice and possibly three times larger
>than anyone else's.  Construction looked to be of an excellent quality and
>the units were rated at 3KW or greater (if memory serves me).
>They weren't cheap.  The AT4K with a built in antenna switch, LED bargraph
>and so forth was over $900.  However, they were selling the AT4K-BAL which
>has a single input and a single output (either balanced or coax) and none of
>the electronic metering.  This unit sold for around $700.


Jon, thanks for that review. I've often looked longingly at that tuner but 
worried about the cost.

One thing that I have found though, is that you also have to look at the 
spacing and insulation of the stator plates to frame. It is here where I 
have experienced the greatest problems when I built a tuner. The plate 
spacing was big but the spacing to frame was small and the frame had many 
sharp edges and corners where arcs easily occurred.

73, Alek.

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