[AMPS] Review of Antenna Tuner from Dayton

2 2@vc.net
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:12:37 -0700

>> >
>> >Well, it might not be specifically amplifier related, but I thought I'd
>Rich wrote:
>> /\  The Heath tuner would quite likely have worked if you had a broadband
>>  75/80m double-dipole -- i.e., two dipoles in an X config.  One dipole
>> resonates at 3.6MHz and one resonates at 3.9MHz.  The result is even
>> better than sliced bread.
>> ..
>Sorry for being a little (grin) out of topic here, but Rich triggered me
>with the "sliced bread" remark...
>I consider the invention of sliced bread to be, not a high point, but
>actually the low point of American contributions to World culture! There is,
>in my humble opinion, nothing more tasteless, smell less and less chewy than
>the average american slice of bread! Except for reasonably freshly baked San
>Fransisco Sour Dough bread, 

This is good bread -  and slicing it does not change the goodness.  
American white bread is next to tasteless, and something I do not eat.  

cheers, Peter

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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