[AMPS] Review of Palstar Antenna Tuner from Dayton

Jon Ogden na9d@speakeasy.net
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 22:04:19 -0500

I think Paul is correct.  The inductor in my tuner is NOT the one shown in
the AT4K picture.  I believe they did do some changes.  I believe the
quality of the inductor is good.  I looked it over pretty carefully.

The only problem is that it seems a little stiff like I had mentioned.  But
I don't think that will cause a problem.



on 6/19/01 8:48 PM, Jim Reid at jreid@hsa-kauai.net wrote:

> Hi Paul,  you wrote,  in part:
>> That's interesting Jim.  According to an e-mail
>> two weeks ago from Paul Hrivnak at Palstar the
>> RI28HP roller inductor used in the AT4K tuner is
>> made from scratch at their facility.
> I am sure it is.  However,  compare the photo of the
> RI28HP roller inductor at the Palstar products web
> site,  and you can easily see it is NOT the inductor
> in the AT4K shown in the photo of that unit on the
> Palstar AT4K site page!  The inductor in the tuner
> photo,  the one with the "red" endplates,  etc. is the
> type in my unit,  of just over 2 years age;  and was/is
> made by Henry Radio.  The photos shown of the
> AT4K at the Palstar web site are the originals,  from
> 24 to 30 months ago.
> Guess Hrivnak has lowered his costs by building his
> own roller now;  true vertical integration (has gotten
> more small companies into business trouble!).  Hope
> the quality is up to what was previously being used.
> 73,  Jim  KH7M
> On the Garden Island of Kauai

Jon Ogden
NA9D (ex: KE9NA)



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