[AMPS] Review of antenna tuner from Dayton

teamw teamw@quixnet.net
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 08:15:24 -0400

1) I found this submission quite incredible. Why would anyone in their right
mind with a few dollars worth of wire in a dipole with its characteristic
narrow bandwidth spend hundreds of dollars to replace a good ATU with one to
handle the deficiency of the antenna?
For a few dollars the dipole could have been broadbanded. There are plenty
of examples in the ARRL Antenna book or some extra lengths of cheap wire to
make it into a cage type dipole. Another solution is to use parallel wires
cut to different freqs. in the same band.
Why do we just throw money at problems instead of using common sense?

2) The off topic input.- I agree with the OZ about american "nothing" bread.
My problem is where to get a decent cup of tea? (but the coffee's fine).


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