[AMPS] Review of Antenna Tuner from Dayton
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:24:59 -0700
>> My first stop was to look at the Ameritron/MFJ/Vectronics units. After
>> all, they are the most prolific tuners out there right now. Upon looking
>> at all these units, I found that the plate spacing on their caps were no
>> better than what my Heathkit had. Even their highest power units had caps
>> with the same spacing. It is interesting to note that later I noticed
>> that the Ameritron tuner rated for 1200 Watts has larger cap spacing than
>> the ones that are more expensive and rated for higher power!
>Well Jon, it might be advisable to spend time looking at voltages in
>T network tuners. If you run the numbers, you'll see the largest
>problems causing arcing are excessive Q on the low bands.
>Excessive Q is caused by not having enough capacitance.
/\ More C (and less L) usually means more circulating current - which in
turn means higher Q.
> ...
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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