[AMPS] Review of Antenna Tuner from Dayton

Jon Ogden na9d@speakeasy.net
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 17:52:47 -0500

on 6/20/01 11:03 AM, Tom Rauch at w8ji@akorn.net wrote:

> Well Jon, it might be advisable to spend time looking at voltages in
> T network tuners. If you run the numbers, you'll see the largest
> problems causing arcing are excessive Q on the low bands.
> Excessive Q is caused by not having enough capacitance.

Well, my problem was that my capacitance on my old tuner was pretty much
maxed out.  I couldn't add more.  Believe me, I remember our conversation.
But when the cap is fully meshed when it arcs, there's not a lot one can do.

>> My only complaint about the unit is that the roller inductor is a little
>> stiff and hard to turn in some spots, but that will probably get better
>> over time.
> Maybe. Maybe not. Look at the roller construction.

I'll have to do that again and report back.  It did look like it was better
constructed than the one in the Vectronics tuners.

> Ameritron makes a TRUE peak reading 3 kW meter. I don't know
> how much it costs, but I do know it can handle 6 kW.

I believe it's quite a bit more than $70 that I paid and I didn't need the
true peak reading capability as I already have that in another meter I use.



Jon Ogden
NA9D (ex: KE9NA)



"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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