[AMPS] Review of antenna tuner from Dayton

2 2@vc.net
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 19:02:13 -0700

>> Speaking of cheap--I built an el-cheapo version of Measures tuner that is
>> on his web site. It uses 2 pieces of pvc, some number 12 wire, 1 air
>> variable, clip leads, a wood board base, an old ice cream bucket, and some
>> 213 coax for a choke balun. It is all out in the open and I can change
>> bands in a flash. Easily handles legal limit with no arcing and no
>> heating. A friend uses one like it with his pair of 4x1000 with a little
>> bigger air variable.
>That's how tuners are supposed to be built, with one possible 
>I don't know what that exact circuit is, but moving the balun to the 
>input of the tuner does NOT help balance, 

/\   /chortle/

> or make the balancing 
>job of the balun easier unless the tuner has a grounded reference 
>point at the center of the network.

/\    Perhaps you should have done your homework beforehand, Mr. Rauch.  
The circuit used in the *Balanced* Balanced tuner is a balanced L-network 
-- invented in the 1930s by Bell Labs.  No "grounded reference point" is 

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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