[AMPS] Review of antenna tuner from Dayton

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 07:55:12 +0100

Tom says:

>I'm amazed so many people buy tuners instead of building them, or 
>using stubs.

Here we definitely agree. Starting from the R + jX you need to match, a
dedicated tuner can be designed to have the lowest operating Q for a particular
impedance transformation ratio.

	>but moving the balun to the input of the tuner does NOT help balance

Just how well balanced are the loads anyway? I suspect that generally, probably
to around 10% mismatch isn't uncommon.. i.e. the impedances from each side to
ground don't match by 10% or possibly more.

	>Tuners are probably one of the most difficult pieces of gear to 
	>engineer, because the frequency and impedance ranges are so 

This is because the commercial tuner has to be an egg laying, milk and wool
producing flying pig that swims. Much simplification is achieved by building a
dedicated network.


Peter G3RZP

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