[AMPS] Review of Antenna Tuner from Dayton

2 2@vc.net
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 06:07:38 -0700

>Hi all,
>You can learn a lot about how the T-tuner will operate
>using the simulator at this link:
>You will notice that the maximum power transfer efficiency
>just about always will happen when either the input or
>output network capacitor is at full mesh.  You can also
>discover just how much capacity is needed for max
>efficiency.  I have donw a lot of experimenting with this
>simulator vs.  the component values in my AT4K by Paul
>Hrivnak of Palstar;  he did a very good job in component
>value selection.  Plus,  his tuner has a fixed C which can
>be switched in as needed when the output  C is already
>at max capacitance.  This occurs when the transmission
>line Z at the tuner output terminal is low;  like,  maybe under
>25 ohms or so.  The variables in the Palstar are 350 pf, 6kv and
>he added C is also a fixed 350 pf, 7.5kv
/\  The sticky wicket is that the design is high-pass.

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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