[AMPS] Free antenna Book

vk3bvm@talk21.com vk3bvm@talk21.com
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 14:58:20 GMT+01:00

AMPS readers might be interested in this 100 plus pages of antenna information and design data. There is detailed information on antenna measurements using a chopper. Also included is some data on how a suburban QTH compares to a rural country location. There is some other free HF related software also. 
It is very interesting to read why every hams dream antenna the Rhombic, has lots favour with the professional antenna designers. Overall a good web site. Not the subject of this reflector, buy may be of interest to some.

You have to register, then allowed 3 free downloads a year.  Beats having to buy Krauss or some other Mcgraw Hill titles to get this info.



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