[AMPS] FT1000MP and MLA2500

Jon Ogden na9d@speakeasy.net
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 06:58:45 -0500

I believe it will.  I key my own amplifier with that relay.  It's a half way
decent size.  Unless your amplifier pulls some excessive current, I don't
see why not.  They relay was put into the FT-1000D for this purpose.  Of
course, as another poster stated check things out to be sure.  But I really
think you'll be OK.  The drawback is that that relay is noisy!

There is also another line coming out of the FT-1000D that can possibly be
used to switch a PA if (and it's a big if) the current on the control line
is low enough.  I think it's on the "band data" jack.  If the MLA2500 draws
little current this would be the way to go as you'll be able to get by w/o
the clickity-clack of the relay.



on 6/21/01 5:46 PM, Tom Martin at tmartin@chartermi.net wrote:

> I'm sorry if this has been covered before, but I'm tired of searching
> the archives.  I would like to know if the relay in the 1000MP can
> handle the linear switching for the MLA2500.  I had a 920 before and I
> keyed the linear without any problems.  I am not interested in QSK, so
> the transistor switching isn't needed.
> Thanks es 73, Tom W8JWN
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Jon Ogden
NA9D (ex: KE9NA)



"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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