[AMPS] filament cutback

2 2@vc.net
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 07:40:04 -0700

>> >this. In all but one case, I am talking about Thoriated Tungsten
>> >tubes rated from 500 W to 250 kW dissipation, but they are also used in
>> >linear class AB 1 or 2 service. BUT I am not dealing with communications,
>> >where 2 tone IMD and such is a problem.
>> Presumably, if there's enough emission for a given carrier level, there's
>> enough for the same pep.
>The problem everyone seems to miss, and it certainly is a problem, 
> is that amateurs have varying drive power from band to band. 
>Amateur operators tune the amplifier differently from time-to-time 
>and certainly from band-to-band, and the amplifier itself varies in 
>characteristics from band-to-band.
>It is poor thinking to attempt to copy commercial single band 
>applications that use ONE mode, in amateur service. That's 
>especially true is the person making the adjustments doesn't set 
>emission under worse case conditions.
>For example, you could not possibly set the SSB filament 
>emission correctly by looking at a CW signal...because the HV 
>and often the exciter power are higher on SSB peaks than they are 
>on CW peaks. That means more peak emission current for SSB.
/\  A cathode's peak emission current ability is not a function of anode 
supply V.  RL = e/i  is a function of supply V.    
>On some bands (typically ten meters) peak emission for a given 
>output is higher, so now we have added a new dimension of 
>All of this will almost certainly be poorly handled, no one will watch 
>IMD or be sure they are setting emission under maximum demand 
>conditions, just to cure what amounts to a "non-problem" because 
>we want to copy what single-frequency single-emission 24 hour 
>operation people do.
>I'd wager more than 50% of the people wouldn't even set or 
>measure filament voltage correctly, let alone do a proper emission 
>Certainly we don't want to run filaments at more than 
>recommended voltage, and it would be helpful to tell people how to 
>properly measure filament inrush and voltage, but anything beyond 
>that is foolish.
>73, Tom W8JI
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-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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