[AMPS] amp control

2 2@vc.net
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 21:11:26 -0700

>In the world of transmitters and amplifiers, it seems it has always been
>standard procedure to control the amplifier via a relay or other circuit in
>the transmitter(exciter). In modern solid state exciters this generally
>requires a fast switching amplifier circuit, which of course doesn't seem to
>exist. Why then is the system not reversed,  ie: make the amp control the
>exciter?? this seems to me to be a simple answer to "hotswitching" amps.
>most exciters today have "accessory connectors" which nearly always contain
>a separate transmit control connection.
>   any comments on this??? P.S. I built an amp that way and had no trouble
>with slow switching!!
>    carl / kz5ca
/\   For SSB/high-speed VOX, adding a VOX, preamp and mic. jacks to an 
amplifier is a pain in the posterior.  Under 2mS relays can be had for 
approx. $36 - and they can be made quite quiet.

cheers, Carl

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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