[AMPS] RMS Power

i4jmy@iol.it i4jmy@iol.it
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 13:25:59 +0200

> [WC6W]
> The Bird 43 (without a peak reading module) is an average reading
> meter.

An inductively coupled rectifier/voltage meter.
> [Billy]
> I thought that the Bird 43 was an RMS meter without the peak reading 
>   RMS and average are not the same?

The indication of the Bird 43, and other wattmeters of that kind, is 
calibrated RMS, but only when the duty cycle is proper for the internal 
circuit and the signal is an undistorted sine wave, incidentally the 
load has to be purely resistive too.

Mauri I4JMY

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