[AMPS] AL-811H and PEP Question
Gary Stone
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 19:14:14 -0700 (PDT)
Greetings to the List,
I am new to the list - N5PHT in Texas. I have an
IC-746 and the Ameritron AL-811H. It is supposed to
put out 800 watts on SSB PEP. I have been really
happy with the amp but have a question or two.
Does anyone have one of these amps? I would like to
know what is your experience on the grid and plate
current peaks during your SSB operation? The manual
tells me to tune for CW and then the meters will be
show 25 - 50 % of the CW values. I just wondered what
others experience on the meter readings during SSB
voice peaks - which I realize could be different with
different voices.
Also, I have NOT connected the ALC and perhaps don't
need to do so. Anyone have this amp and exciter with
the ALC connected? I am careful to drive with only 50
or 60 watts.
Lastly, I have the MFJ-986 3kw tuner. It has a
wattmeter but the manual says that on SSB and using
the "peak" setting the meter will read only about 70%
of the actual PEP. On SSB it reads about 600 Watts on
the "peak" setting - which with the 70% formula that
would be 800 or more. Any experience with this? I
may need to get an accurate PEP active circuit meter.
This one built into the 986 has no outside power
source and the "Peak" setting seems to have only a
minor 'holding' effect with some capacitors.
The bottom line is that I want to make sure I am not
overdriving the amp AND that it is putting out the 800
watts it claims. The meter shows about 600 Watts key
down on CW - on the 'average' power setting which is
just what the manual says. Is there an easy way to
figure SSB PEP as a conversion from CW carrier
Sorry if I am asking dumb questions but I am rather
new to amplifiers.
Thanks and 73 de N5PHT, Gary
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