[AMPS] iron needed

John Lyles jtml@lanl.gov
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 09:41:46 -0600

I already put this on the AM lists, but I got no bites. Maybe some 
amplifier builder has a stash of ancient iron....

I need a 500 Watt modulation transformer for a homebrew project. It 
should have roughly 16 k Ohm plate to plate Z for the audio side and 
about 6-7 k Ohms for the RF side with 1/2 Amp DC through it there.

Stancor, UTC, Thordarson, SNC, all made universal transformers 50 
years ago, and I have plenty of ancient part numbers to pursue. But 
who has this old iron laying in their junkbox?

If you have something that looks like audio transformer, and its 
about 50-70 lbs, please let me know and I will check the number 
versus my 1952 catalogs.


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