[AMPS] SELL: 3-500 components

Ronald Lumachi w2cqm@juno.com
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 18:36:28 -0400

SELL: Peter Dahl open frame filament  xmfr 220VAC primary  with
secondaries rated at 5VCT@30amps, 12VAC  as well as three 110VAC taps to
control fan speed. Includes a pair of like new porcelain 3-500 sockets
wired in parallel complete with grid to ground wiring in place. Includes
the spacers for a below chassis air system blower, and the spring steel
tabs and hdwe  to secure the chimneys.  $125+ shipping/ins  for the
package. 3-500 chimneys (2) $75+ shipping/insurance . Ron W2CQM/2

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