[AMPS] metal fabricators for rf decks

John T. M. Lyles jtml@lanl.gov
Mon, 5 Mar 2001 08:52:24 -0700

Precison Metal Fabricators, now Proline Metal Fabricators, is a 
favorite vendors for semi-custom chassis kits around here. You put 
together whatever size chassis you want, all supplied in nice 
Irridite coated aluminum pieces. We  have built very big and heavy 
chassis using their parts and a few pieces of cut 1 inch square 
aluminum bar stock for extra strength. One holds a 3 kW water cooled 
805 MHz solid state amplifier we built, and another holds a 5 kW 
ramped filament power supply for a big tetrode amplifier. It has 
about 80 lbs of iron in it, and can be lifted by the handles on each 
end. You can see it on K7IUVs amplifier photo pages, under my 
submission, the "2 x TH555A" power amplifier. Its the 
"front_view_fil_ps" photo.

Heres the link to PMF:

I don't know about them building RF decks, but I am sure you could 
cut the slots and holes for whatever component layout you needed. You 
can also box things up using the PMF pieces. It is difficult to 
figure out their kitting from the website, so a telephone call to 
their saleperson will help. I think they use Visa card too.


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