[AMPS] 3CX3000A7

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Sun, 11 Mar 2001 13:50:42 -0600

Check out how Henry does this with their 8-K Ultra.
Their tube socket and non-metallic chimney cuts a bunch
of stray C out of the picture. You don't need any tune C,
just use a roller coil or devise a way to squeeze the fixed
coil in and out. With the proper tuned input circuit, you should
see 5k + suds with 200 watts drive.

Phil, K5PC
Subject: [AMPS] 3CX3000A7

> I need some advice from the experts.  I have a recently brought back to life
> GG 3cx3000a7.  Its running on a higher plate voltage, approximately  6700KV.
> When tuning up on 10 meters with a TS 440 into a dummy load, with
> approximately 70 watts drive I am only seeing 200 watts on the Bird.  What's
> odd is the Jennings 10-370pf plate tuner is backed all the way out to the
> minimum capacitance and that's where It tunes for max output.  I thought it
> would tune around at least 25pf but its backed all the way out.  What should
> I expect to see with say 100 watts input provided tank is right?
> --
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