[AMPS] 3-500Z

Firson Maryutenli firson@hotmail.com
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 08:45:44 +0700

In my experience with same tube, When plate getting red with small fraction 
of plate current ma, probably something wrong with tube cathode bias, make 
sure cathode bias working properly.

de Firson - yd1bih

>From: Charles W BWW Burkhardt <cburk001@juno.com>
>To: amps@contesting.com
>Subject: [AMPS] 3-500Z
>Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 10:53:16 -0600
>Gentlemen: Trouble with my Heath SB-100, which has a 3-500Z tube.
>By mistuning the unit I took out a couple of resisters and the grid
>current meter in the  meter circuit board. Have replaced the bad
>components, and the unit tunes up OK, but when I try to drive it for just
>short periods of time on CW, with a plate  current of just 100 ma, the
>plate gets bright red, and if I key just a bit longer there are bright
>blue and white flashes in the tube, followed  often by blown fuses.  I
>would like someone to tell me it's not the tube, but something else I can
>repair-a remote chance I suppose. Any suggestions.? TIA   Charlie. K0GPF
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