[AMPS] SB-220 Amplifiers and Garage Sales!!

chuck k8cpa@arrl.net
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 18:35:02 -0500

At 08:57 AM 3/21/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>At a recent garge sale I happen to see an item
>(SB-200) painted with familar Heathkit green paint
>hidden underneath a pile of old pillow covers.  I
>asked the old lady if the amplifer was for sale and
>she said it was not an amplifier but an old radio. 
>Well not wanting to get into an argument with
>someone's grandmother I said ok but asked her if it
>worked.  She said the last time she listened to it it
>worked ok but didn't play as loud as it used to.  She
>was a few tubes short of a matched set!!   Well now I
>was speechless and suspious I was being messed with. 
>To make a long story short I asked her what she wanted
>for the radio.  Well she said it was old and painted
>an ugly color but should be worth 20 to 30 dollars at
>least.  I paid her $25.00 for the old radio that
>looked remarkably like an old Heathkit SB-200.  Got it
>home and couldn't find any obvious problems with the
>"amplifier".  I will clean it up and install the
>Harbach mods and Mr. Measures' parasistic supressors
>before I fire it up. 
>By the way I flet guilty so I went back over to her
>house and gave her another $25.00.  SB-200 total=
>$50.00.  I hope it's not a sin to take advantage of an
>old woman like this!!
it is and you should.


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-Chuck K8CPA
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