[AMPS] Re: SB-220 Amplifiers and Garage Sales!!

KB6LWN - Bruce kb6lwn@callsign.net
Wed, 21 Mar 2001 22:31:38 -0800 (PST)

Either that or find a really nice vintage radio
that has a good sound (better than the one she
had <wink>) and set it on her porch with a note
of thanks and hopes that she enjoys the radio.

Perhaps you'll hit on a radio that she will
remember from her youth, and bring her some
nice memories.  Maybe scan through the fare
in your area for a station that plays the
older era format and tune it to that, or
mark the dial so she can find it easily.
(maybe a small LED in the dial scale)

Or simply just take some time out of your
schedule every so often, to stop by and
chat for a few minutes, kind of like an
'adopted Mom' :)  I hear there can be a lot
of theraputic good in giving elderly folks
a break to their every day routine with a
friendly visit.  Maybe she doesn't have
any family that spends time with her.

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Michael Tope wrote:

> You have to live with yourself, Bill. If it bugs you that
> much, drop the old lady a check in the mail. Otherwise,
> enjoy your good fortune.

> > >By the way I flet guilty so I went back over to her
> > >house and gave her another $25.00.  SB-200 total=
> > >$50.00.  I hope it's not a sin to take advantage of an
> > >old woman like this!!

> > it is and you should.

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