[AMPS] SB-220 Amplifiers and Garage Sales!!

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 11:39:13 -0800

>Jon Ogden wrote:
>> Don't bother with the Measure's parasitic suppressors.  Ain't needed.  'Nuf
>> said.
>Without getting into (God help me) the controversial Measures theory, it is a
>fact that carbon resistors in parasitic suppressors, such as are used in
>Heathkits, are prone to rise in value with heat and time.  They can also 
>open as
>a result of excessive heating, common when these amps are used on 11 meter 

My SB-220 suppressor resistors  were consistently damaged on 40m.  There 
was a pecuilar double-dip  on 40m until I lowered the Rp of the VHF 
parasitic suppressors.  
>Therefore, it's worthwhile to make sure the resistors are in good shape, and
>replace them if needed.  

€ Amen, Vic.  When R-supp is open, Rp increases and VHF gain increases.  

>y.  Measures recommends metal-oxide resistors which deal
>with the heat much more gracefully.
>Vic, K2VCO
>Fresno CA
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-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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