Fw: [AMPS] Microwave oven transformers??

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Sat, 24 Mar 2001 05:21:25 -0500

At 12:11 AM 3/24/01 -0800, nospam4me@juno.com wrote:
>Hi Mark, 
>I'm told it was an ARRL QEX Article that had the 
>information.  I have not been able to obtain a 
>copy of it yet, I've been chasing it for some time now. 
>I think the actual year/month was mentioned here 
>on amps some time ago. First to find it should make 
>copies and or scan the paperwork for sharing. 

>From the archive:

"...QEX, Jan/Feb 1998, which has a great article by Randy, WI5W,
on using microwave oven transformers for a high voltage power supply.
Randy also explains how the transformers are constructed and used in
microwave ovens plus what has to be done to make them work in amateur radio

73, Pete N4ZR
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