[AMPS] YC-156 Cathode/Filament Circuit

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Tue, 1 May 2001 11:01:58 -0500

>>That is the way mine is wired, Jeff.
>>RF is coupled to both sides of the heater ...
>?  shouldn't the drive go to the cathode in a cathode-driven amplifier?
>The cathode is connected internally to one side of the heater on a YC-156.
?  According to your statement, you are also driving the side if the
heater that is Not connected to the cathode.

That is S.O.P. for Ameritron, Creative Electronics, Bill Orr, and others, Rich.
RF is fed to both sides of the heater through .01 caps.

Phil, K5PC

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