[AMPS] Alpha 86 pin diode upgrade

Dick Green dick.green@valley.net
Wed, 2 May 2001 16:03:54 -0400

> Looking for a better diode to replace the ks1001 diodes used for
> the receive pin diodes, Any body done this mod?
> tnx
> Marty


Better in what way? The 87A uses the KS1001, and I'll bet the 89 does, too.
I know there were problems with the pin diodes in the 86 line. I have a
friend with one who said it generates horrendous intermod (he bypassed the
pins with an external relay.) I believe Alpha offers a rather expensive fix,
so I've always assumed the upgrade involves significant changes to the
support circuitry (the diodes are only about $10 apiece.) I believe there
were also problems with the pin diodes in early runs of the 87A, and some
owners had to have them replaced. I believe, however, that this was due to a
bad run of pins and that there wasn't a part number or circuit change. Scott
at Crosslink (Alpha's new owner) can fill you in on that.

That said, I had to replace a pair of pin diodes in my 87A after about six
years of use. Could have been only one bad diode, but the diagnostic
couldn't distinguish which one and I didn't have the equipment. $20 worth of
parts from Alpha and some careful soldering fixed the problem.

73, Dick WC1M

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