Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Thu, 3 May 2001 07:45:14 +0100

There's general agreement amongst the group that all ALC circuits currently
around in production equipments are non-ideal. It seems we all have our own
approaches to deal with our own requirements. 

Personally, I gave up on ALC years ago when I had to design a tx that did
reduced carrier and full carrier as well as SSB: ALC in that application causes
carrier 'pumping', although in the opposite sense to the old 'controlled
carrier' AM.

The other corollary is that we don't, as a group, seem inclined to worship at
the YaeComWoodTec shrine as being the be all and end all of radio
design........Not that that should surprise anyone who follows this reflector!


Peter G3RZP

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