[AMPS] blower
Jon Ogden
Sat, 05 May 2001 09:24:56 -0500
on 5/4/01 2:00 PM, Bill Aycock at baycock@HIWAAY.NET wrote:
> Rich. I, too, am tired of hearing this- can you give me hard , verifiable
> numbers about the change in resistance of Nichrome wire with frequency, in
> the range of, say, 30 MHz to 200MHz? A reference will do, because if it's
> from your measurements, I would have to have it verufied.
> CAn you also give a real quotation of the reputed statement? I have known
> you to be hasty and miss-interpret what you read.
He won't do it.
He'll refer you to Wes' measurements and say that a piece of HP equipment
doesn't lie. Yet, I know for a fact that measurements can be interpreted in
a variety of ways. Figures lie and liars figure.
Also, Rich likes to bait people, quote just a small portion of what they
said and take things out of context. And if you do happen to be unfortunate
enough to make a mistake or say something not just quite right, he will jump
on that and always use that against you in future quotes.
Rich will never admit he is wrong. He will twist the conversation until it
sounds like you agree with him and that he had the correct position all
along. This happened about a year ago with a discussion of SWR on a
transmission line. Rich was dead wrong and several of us proved him on it.
Yet, he twisted the conversation where it ended up like we actually said
what he was trying to say. He told me once that a good debater never admits
to being wrong (or something like that).
It's also useless to send private mail to him railing at him, because he
will then post it publicly. He has no respect for private conversations and
Lastly, if you do something that is outside of his paradigm of the universe
and tell him about it, he will ignore it. It happened to me when I
completed building my amplifier. I sent him a note about what I did and how
I did it. He ignored it. Never responded back. And when I brought it up
later on the reflector, he claimed I never told him anything.
It's a shame because there is so much that Rich does contribute. He is a
very intelligent man and he has some absolutely wonderfully great amplifier
ideas. His QSK circuit is one thing that is really great. It works
awesomely and he provided a lot of help with getting it put together.
There's other ideas and stuff that he has had too that's really good. He's
misguided on one topic: parasitic suppressors. That topic is why we get so
frustrated because he has decided to make that his crusade in life.
Oh well, enough. Frankly, w/o Rich AMPS might be boring. At least the
comical value is good!
Jon Ogden
NA9D (ex: KE9NA)
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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