[AMPS] YC-156 Cathode/Filament question

Norman Hockler norsan@bright.net
Sun, 06 May 2001 23:55:39 -0400

Eimac wants the filament temperature of the tube to stabilize before 
applying plate voltage or drive.  The blower must be turned on when the 
filament voltage is applied also a good idea to leave the blower running 
after the filament is turned off to allow the tube to cool down.

  de Norm N8NH

At 10:18 PM 5/6/01 +0200, you wrote:
> >"The YC-156 is a 3CPX5000A7."
> >73 de Norm  N8NH
>I copied this from an erlier mail. I am currently working with a
>YC-156, and I have the original 3CPX5000A7 Eimac product sheet.
>It says warmup time minimum 6 min. without RF AND PLATE voltage.
>No RF, We never do that, but no plate HV, That's new to me.
>Any comments,  other information or expiriences  ??
>Best regards
>OZ5TG, Vern

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