[AMPS] Self oscillation with homebrew 3-1000Z ????

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Mon, 7 May 2001 22:54:30 -0400

> I guess I'm confused. If this tube is prone to self oscillation--which
> is what I get by reading this thread--why not try a different
> suppressor? If it works you have saved yourself a lot of aggravation
> it seems.

I think the problem is he never described the construction in any 
detail that would give a clue what to do.

It might be something as simple as grid lead lengths, or it could be 
the suppressor or any number of other things. 

One guess is as good as another without knowing anything about 
important things like grid lead lengths, distance from the tube to 
the tuning cap, how the caps are mounted, etc.

73, Tom W8JI

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