Wt8r@aol.com Wt8r@aol.com
Thu, 10 May 2001 10:06:40 EDT

In a message dated 5/10/01 1:34:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,=20
na9d@speakeasy.net writes:

>  on 5/9/01 9:36 PM, measures at 2@vc.net wrote:
> =20
>  >> Might be a good idea, this doesn't usually change stability much
>  >> because the feedback mostly involves the grid and layout more
>  >> than anything else. But it sure affects efficiency and even IMD!
>  >>=20
>  > =E2=82=AC  In our parasitic suppressor retrofit kit for the 3-1000Z, we=
>  > VHF dampers to connect from the filament pins on the socket to gnd.
> =20
>  These R-C networks on the filaments do help.  They stopped an oscillation
>  for my amplifier.  One person suggested though that they may have helped=20=
>  stop an LF or HF oscillation rather than a VHF one.  I have no idea and=20
>  not thought it out as adding these took care of the problem (similar to=20
>  of the original poster's but not as severe.).
> =20
>  However, we still don't know enough about the original problem just to=20
>  throwing in a lot of cures w/o understanding the mechanisms behind it. =20
>  like going to the doctor with a stomach ache and him giving you pain
>  relievers, anti-ulcer medication, etc., when all you needed was a good
>  antacid.  Sure you might get better, but you don't know why and side=20
>  from the treatment may eventually cause other problems.
> =20
>  73,
> =20
>  Jon
>  NA9D
>  =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
I can see that there is a great deal of real engineering going on here and=20
lots of technical discussion.  Jon says "I have no idea and I've not thought=
it out as adding these took care of the problem".  I often wonder how people=
get through life without reasoning. =20

>  However, we still don't know enough about the original problem just to=20
>  throwing in a lot of cures w/o understanding the mechanisms behind it.

Now this is an insightful comment which I'm going to be sure to save in MY=20
Amps folder.  It had never occurred to me before that if one doesn't really=20
understand the problem that some difficulty might be encontered in solving=20
same.  Perhaps, if we are fortunate, we could have Jon elaborate further on=20
the ramifications of attempting to do something when one knows nothing about=
the subject with which he is dealing.

I look forward to reading more insightful comments about technical matters=20
from Jon....especially the way he explains things in such minute detail=20
without waving his hands in generalities.   I'm amazed.

One question for Jon:  Please explain "side affects".

73 de

Dave, WT8R

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