measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 10 May 2001 14:38:28 -0700

>and tubes like 811A's 
>or 3-1000Z's are more difficult. If we look carefully, we see it is 
>tubes with long thin grid leads that are most troublesome. 

€ amen, Mr. Rauch.  As I understand it, the 3-1000z  has a not-optimal 
grid design that can be detected by visual inspection,  0.8 pF of 
feedback is a bunch.  

>They are 
>often unstable no matter what the layout, because at some 
>frequency the grid has a very high impedance to ground no matter 
>how we ground the grid.
€  indeed.

>In that case, we need to make sure the anode (or some other 
>element) does not have a similar resonance.
... ...

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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