[AMPS] Nichrome wire and tube chimneys!
Sun, 13 May 2001 23:20:30 -0700
>on 5/13/01 9:52 AM, measures at 2@vc.net wrote:
>> € You don't seem to get it, Jon. A high-speed centrifugal blower is
>> required to overcome the back-pressure in the SK-510 air system socket.
>Perhaps I don't, Rich.
>And perhaps I am full of BS. But I prefer cooling systems that work in the
>direction of natural convection of heat.
€ As I recall, the Model-T used a natural convection cooling system.
Do you drive a Model-T,?
>So something that
>blows cool air over something in an upward direction is in my mind better
>than something that blows air across it.
€ When a fan blows on the side a cylinder, the air flow bends completely
around the cylinder.
>Your comments about the blower and the reduction of air flow are quite
>correct, I am sure. Yet, the guys at Eimac that designed the cooling system
>and chimneys and tubes way back when weren't a bunch of boobs either.
€ Eimac makes mistakes from time to time. The grid design in the
3-1000Z (and 3CX1200A7) are examples.
> I am sure they had good reason to do it that way.
€ The split chassis/slow-speed fan cooling system works best with a flat
ceramic socket. E. F. Johnson virtually owned that market.
cheers, Jon
>Jon Ogden
>NA9D (ex: KE9NA)
>"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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