[AMPS] Nichrome wire and tube chimneys!

measures 2@vc.net
Mon, 14 May 2001 07:39:56 -0700

>Just an observation, the design of a chimney is such that the vertical
>flow of air is directed evenly around the tube envelope and as it exits,
>also against the anode seal & heat sink at the top.  I really don't
>think a Coleman lantern globe or a pickle jar does the job.
€   Bob:  Any opinion about the use of vertical air flow on horizontal 
cooling fins.?

>Bottom cooling is also required on many tubes due to the heat produced
>by the heater/filament.  Socket contacts last a lot longer when they are
>kept cool.  I've seen solder melted out of the tube pins due to
>inadequate cooling.
>As to blowers, a centrifugal blower is the only way to go.  Muffin fans
>just won't produce the required air flow with typical back pressures
>presented by air system sockets.  My experience says big diameter wheels
>that are 2" wide are better than small wheels that are 4" to 6" wide.  

€  amen .  This is how Kooltronics builds their line of high-pressure 
>Even though the two fans may spec that same CFM, this has to do with
>radial velocity.
cheers, Bob 

>Jon Ogden wrote:
>> on 5/13/01 9:52 AM, measures at 2@vc.net wrote:
>> > €  You don't seem to get it, Jon.  A high-speed centrifugal blower is
>> > required to overcome  the back-pressure in the SK-510 air system socket.
>> Perhaps I don't, Rich.
>> And perhaps I am full of BS.  But I prefer cooling systems that work in the
>> direction of natural convection of heat.  Heat flows up.  So something that
>> blows cool air over something in an upward direction is in my mind better
>> than something that blows air across it.
>> Your comments about the blower and the reduction of air flow are quite
>> correct, I am sure.  Yet, the guys at Eimac that designed the cooling system
>> and chimneys and tubes way back when weren't a bunch of boobs either.  I am
>> sure they had good reason to do it that way.
>> Jon

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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