[AMPS] Thar she blows...

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 15 May 2001 06:53:24 -0700

>Commercial practice (I mean commercial transmitters, not commercially
>manufactured for amateurs) is often peculiar in this regard, depsite 
>on thermal crayons and so on. My experience with tubes of 3-400, 3-500, 
>4-400 ilk (they're all the same basic  base and filament structure) is that
>blowing the filament seals directly with a small fan pays dividends.
>I believe Rich has also said that some force movement of air around the tank
>coil has advantages, too - which makes sense if you do a few sums.
€  indeed.  Contestors who own an amplifier with no tank cooling fan 
would do well to borrow an IR thermometer and find out what's what prior 
to the next contest.  .  .  

cheers, Peter

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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