[AMPS] [Fwd: [TenTec] Kachina discontinued]
Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX
Wed, 16 May 2001 21:15:52 -0700
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Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 14:02:33 -0500
From: Ken Hopper <khopper@uchicago.edu>
Subject: [TenTec] Kachina discontinued
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From: <kachina@sedona.net>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 12:41:24 -0400
Subject: [Kachina] 505DSP to be Discontinued
Message-Id: <200105161641.MAA12318@swiftwireless.net>
Hello All,
Yes, it's true. I am sorry to report to you that effective 5/24/01, Kachina
Communications, Inc. will discontinue production of all HF radio products,
including the 505DSP and its related accessories. As you may know, many of
the top management of Kachina are hams, so this has not been an easy
decision to make. However, given the reduced worldwide demand for amateur
radio in general, and HF radio in particular, it seems the only sensible
choice for us to make.
>From discussions with some of the top contacts in our industry over the last
several years, it has become obvious that most companies manufacturing
amateur radio products these days (including the top Japanese brands) do so
out of a labor of love, supporting the losses from other more-profitable
ventures. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources of a Kenwood or
Yaesu, and simply cannot afford to support an unprofitable product line
Kachina Communications, Inc. will remain in business in Arizona, as we have
done for the past 25 years. In future we will concentrate on our Swift
Wireless line of broadband wireless Internet products and services. Swift
Wireless operates a wireless Internet service in several Arizona communities
and provides turn-key services to other ISPs throughout the Southwest. We
will continue to provide service and spares for all Kachina HF radio
products for the forseeable future, and will honor all factory warranties
through the duration of the warranty period.
The amateur radio products remaining in our inventory will be made available
through our web side at clearance prices, so if you are looking for a
bargain, check there (http://kachina-az.com) beginning May 25th.
I would like to thank all of those who purchased the 505DSP over the last
several years. I am sorry that we could not continue to manufacture the
505DSP, but we will do our best to continue to provide service to you in the
future. I would also like thank Sherman Leifer of M&S Computers, who was a
big supporter of the 505DSP for a number of years, and singlehandedly sold
more 505DSP than all the HRO and AES outlets combined. Sherman and I do
not always see eye-to-eye on everything, but his efforts and abilities kept
the 505DSP alive for a lot longer than it might have otherwise been.
Thanks and best regards,
Cameron Earnshaw
Vice President
Kachina Communications, Inc.
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