[AMPS] Dayton, getting back from the "big wow..."

nospam4me@juno.com nospam4me@juno.com
Tue, 22 May 2001 22:24:47 -0700

Hello Amps Members,  
Most of us attending Dayton this year are now back 
home safe and warm.  All I can say as a first timer is 
I saw at least five or six major amplifier mfgrs with 
products on display, most with the covers off for 
I went with the express purpose of viewing these 
dealer - mfgr's products and asking some questions. 
It was my Dave (w8nf)'s great pleasure to meet 
up with many of the amps members, I was sorry to 
have missed some of  you.  I honestly tried to get 
around more, but one can not expect to see everything 
and everybody when so much is going on. 
I'm working up some opinions and observations of 
what I was able to see in the amplifiers on display. I 
asked a lot of specific questions of why and how 
and I'll report what the response was.  Even some 
pictures will be available...
The only opinion I'll post now is that the Amateur 
Amplifier business is very busy and competitive. 
skipp   wv6f 

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