[AMPS] Sucking instead of Blowing (was - This guy is gotta be kidding!)

Ian White, G3SEK Ian White, G3SEK" <g3sek@ifwtech.com
Mon, 28 May 2001 12:56:14 +0100

Phil Clements wrote:
> >The only questions are: how much less good, and does it matter?
>>That's why I was looking for separate evidence whether the color of the
>>markings is dependent on the orientation of the tube.
>You are just going to have to trust us on this until you see measurements for

I do indeed trust you, Phil - that's exactly why I was asking about

>The Heath designers did not just get up one morning, place a fan
>from the parts room in front of a pair of 3-500Z's and start shipping kits. 
>and others have explained the brilliant engineering scheme in the SB series
>amplifiers...I will not repeat it.
Yes, I've seen Rich's article, and there's absolutely no doubt that (a)
the SB-220 cooling system was very carefully thought out, and certainly
no lucky fluke; and (b) it works.

>Suffice to say that the entire tube envelope gets cooled with this method.
>There are no "hot spots" or "eddy voids" to worry about. 

There is clearly *enough* cooling all around the tube, but that still
doesn't mean the cooling is *equal* all around.

>I don't use the
>blowing out of the candle example. I like the example that I prove every
>time I dry my hair...place the dryer so it aims directly on your Adam's apple.
>The hair on the back of your neck will dry just as fast as if you had gone
>into contortions and aimed the dryer directly on the hair.
It's a long time since I had any use for a hair-dryer! OK, I'll try it -
but only after our Belgian visitors leave. Wouldn't want them to get any
strange impressions...

73 from Ian G3SEK          Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
                          'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)

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