[AMPS] Conjugate Matching and Efficiency

2 2@vc.net
Wed, 30 May 2001 09:02:41 -0700

>Rich says;
>>Are you familiar with the term "shaking-hands money"?
>No. never heard it before.
/\    A retired employee of the League was the first who told me about 
it.  Apparently, the amount of "shaking hands money given to each 
Director varies considerably.  The amounts he cited that were given to 
some were surprisingly large.  

>>think they control the League by voting for ARRL Directors
>A bigger laugh is to think the directors of any national society of more 
>than a handful of members (30? 50? 100 max) control it. Been there myself, 
/\  Amen, Peter. 

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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