[AMPS] Recognized Amplifier Experts
Fri, 2 Nov 2001 09:57:37 -0800
// What follows is an amplifier related discussion between Mr. Bill
English and yours truly. The amplifier being discussed uses a pair of
3-500Zs. Amplifier-guru groupies should probably delete this
- Please fasten Seatbelt -
"If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything." - Mark
---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Date: 11/2/01 5:54 AM
Received: 11/2/01 5:54 AM
From: 2, 2@vc.net
To: Bill English, hostmaster@goproweb.net
Richard Measures, 2@vc.net
>Bur seriously Rich,
>This guy works for amp supply, he built these things. He says that is the way
>they were designed. 100ma ZSAC. From the quickness of his answer I could
>tell he had responded to the question before.
/ Dr. Phyllis Greenacre studied the histories of a number of famous
impostors. She concluded that the impostors were not simple liars. They
were men who had an extraordinary conflict between reality and what they
wished reality to be. "The sense of reality is characterized by a
peculiarly sharp, quick perceptiveness, extraordinarily immediate
keenness and responsiveness, especially in the area or the imposture.
The sense of reality is, however, impaired." Dr. Greenacre believes
that the acting out of the impostor role is "largely an attempt to
achieve a sense of reality and competence as a man." [Phyllis Greenacre:
"The Impostor" Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 27:359 - 382 (1958)]
>I asked him to answer honestly on his experience in measuring the filament
>voltage on these amps and what it was. He said "5 volts" I asked if he EVER
>saw one high, he said maybe 5.1 but not more. Then he added, "Your efficiency
>is a little better when you run them a little "hot".
Bingo. If he had ever experimented with an amplifier that had adjustable
filament V. he would know that once RF output reaches normal PEP, there
is virtually no further increase in RF output as filament V is increased.
My guess is that he wanted to impress you with his competence as an
amplifier "expert".
>>That was wierd then because he said all LK500's ran 100-120 mils. I don't
>>understand. When I told him mine was low at 120 he said it was supposed to
>>be 100.
>Another "expert".
>>The manual doesn't mention ZSAC, but says the amp is class AB2
>AB2 means some ZSAC and some grid current. 10mA of ZSAC is still AB2.
>Linear, it isn't.
>>>I talk to Bill at Omega, the guy that built these things for Amp Supply and
>>>he said they ran zero bias and 100-120 mils was correct
>>Not correct, Eimac says 150mA for 2 tubes.
>>>on this amp
>>>(LK500ZC)then he said something about there was 9volta bias. Does this sound
>>>right to you?
>>9v is not even close.
>>>>I tell you man there are some real dumdasses in this world.
>>>>I just had a
>>>>nice argument with a "friend" over the Henry 1K amp. He says you and the
>>>>others who have measured high voltage on these amps are rare instances and
>>>>NEVER would Henry let an amp out the door with nothing but perfect filament
>>>>voltage on it and I am a fool for evening thinking otherwise. And no he
>>>>wouldn't feel the need to measure filament voltage on a storebought amp.
>>>"A fool and his money are soon parted".
>>> When my younger brother was c. 17, he had his wisdom teeth removed.
>>>Even though the doctor was informed that my brother was allergic to
>>>aspirin, the doctor inadvertently prescribed a pain killer that contained
>>>aspirin. My brother took one pill and . . . . nacherly had a bad
>>>news allergic reaction. My mother went back to the pharmacist, who
>>>confirmed that the pain killer in question contained aspirin. She went
>>>back to the doctor and explained that the pain killer contained aspirin.
>>>He apologized & wrote a new prescription. My mother returned home with
>>>the new prescription. She told me what had happened and that she was
>>>going to the pharmacy to get the new prescription filled. I told my
>>>mother that the prescribed new pain killer contained aspirin. She said:
>>>"you are nuts, Richard". I said: "So ask the pharmacist and prove me
>>>wrong". She asked the pharmacist. The second prescription contained
>>>>I asked him what his filament voltage was and he said it was 5 volts
>>>>according to the manual. What an idiot.
>>>"One is born every minute and two ... ...".
>>>>Said I was being "gullible" by reading information on the
>>>> reflector. Seems to me he is the gullible one putting all his faith in
>>>>What would you call this mindset?
>>>cheers, Bill
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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