[AMPS] another myth on EMF
Colin Lamb
Mon, 5 Nov 2001 12:35:53 -0800
Some people disbelieve that EMF is hazardous, but they must be blind. If
you doubt this, just wait until high noon and look up at the sun. The EMF
force is so strong that it will burn out your retinas. Your body heats up
so much that you will soon take your coat off. If you stand in the rays for
a few hours, your skin will blister badly.
The EMF from the sun is so great that it shuts down worldwide communications
for periods of time. Every animal in the world is substantially affected by
this EMF. Perhaps this is why I choose to live in Oregon, where we are
covered by protective clouds half the year.
Compared to this force which permeates us for eternity, my puny 1.5 kw is a
grain of sand in the ocean.
73, Colin K7FM
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