[AMPS] Thunderbolt questions

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL" <K4XL@arrl.net
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 07:11:00 -0500

I would certainly replace the electrolytic capacitors in the screen and
bias supplies.  I lost one when my T'Bolt was relatively new.

Yes, the plate voltage is low and, as I recall, the plate tuning cap is
quite close spaced.  There are probably other components that are rated
right on the edge.  That is why I never converted to solid state
rectifiers.  I did dump the 866As in favor of 3B28 jugs, however.
Damned bean counters kept that amp from being a real barn burner.

I used to run mine occasionally on AM with a Ranger as the driver.
About all I can remember about it was that it generated an ungodly
amount of heat!  Good luck with your project.

Ken K4XL
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> This is my first post to this group and I hope it works!
> I have a Johnson T'bolt, the hf version and have a few questions. Have
> powered it up as yet as it needs a little work. Nothing serious I
> just the usual for an old piece of equipment. As I get it working, I
> to get some comments/advice from members of the group as I go. First I
> would like some general comments about the amp. I hope to use it for
> SSB and some AM. I have heard some comments such as the plate voltage
> the 4-400's is a little low for the tubes (2200volts) and such. The
> thing I am going to do is replace the HV rectifiers with solid state
and go
> from there. I have a whole bunch of other questions but will stop here
> now. I am looking forward to getting this thing going and doing any
> deemed necessary for reliable operation. Any comments are welcome.
> Bill KC2IFR

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