[AMPS] another myth on EMF
Steve Katz
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 07:33:06 -0800
When I installed a 70 foot tower at a new home I had just purchased, but
prior to moving into the home, I thought leaving the tower there with no
antennas, feedlines or station would get the neighborhood ready...
...when I moved in about a month later, the neighbor lady from across the
street immediately came to complain that since I erected the tower, her
refrigerator didn't work properly. Rather than argue, I said I'd gladly
look into it, and sure enough, her fridge was stuck in the defrost mode and
was warm (heater always on, not letting the compressor kick in). I found
the little contactor in line with the defroster and flicked it with my
finger. That nudged it open, the defroster shut off and the compressor came
on. 20 minutes later, the fridge was getting cold enough for an 807.
She thanked me for helping, but noted that my tower had obviously done the
damage, and demanded to know what I was going to do about that. I replied,
"I'll be putting antennas on it. If you keep quiet, I'll leave your
refrigerator alone."
I never heard from her again.
"Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem." --
Henry Kissinger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 2 [SMTP:2@vc.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 3:03 AM
> To: Lamb; Mike; AMPS; John T. M. Lyles
> Subject: Re: [AMPS] another myth on EMF
> >
> >A number of years ago, one of the local counties was considering an
> amateur
> >radio tower ordinance. It probably would have sailed through smoothly,
> but
> >one ham in particular annoyed his neighbors and they "rallied the troops"
> to
> >attempt to defeat it.
> >
> >When the neighbor spoke, she noted that radio frequencies caused real
> >physical changes to the body. She cited that all of the radio engineers
> had
> >white hair. Amused, I looked around the room and sure enough, she was
> >right. I guess it was not relevant that these engineers were 60 and 70
> >years old.
> >
> >During her testimony, she almost hyperventilated due to her fear of the
> >radiation. I spoke briefly and pointed out that if radiation was indeed
> >serious, then putting the antenna in the air would decrease the effects.
> >After a few hours of testimony, there was a break. The woman bolted
> outside
> >and immediately got her cell phone out and lit up a cigarette.
> >
> >Remembering that testimony, I have noted that more and more of my ham
> >friends are getting white hair.
> >
> // Excellent, chortles Colin. Thanks,
> - Sulphur Mountain overlooks the posh Ojai Valley in Ventura County,
> California where a number of Hollywood "stars" have homes. The FAA
> decided to build a radar site on Sulphur Mountain. When the building and
> the radar antenna dome were visable from the Ojai Valley, trouble loomed
> on the horizon. There were newspaper and radio talk-show accounts of
> loved ones coming down with cancer and other life-threatening maladies.
> Public safety hearings were held. There was much angst and kvetching.
> People were undoubtedly pretty pissed. However, the FAA had not yet
> installed the radar transmitter.
> cheers
> - R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
> end
> --
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